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IFBI EduQual Postgraduate Diploma (EduQual Level 7)
in Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection  

Become a Certified Forensic Accounting Post Graduate 

Master's Level  Professional

at IFBI Today ! 

Classes begin 28th September 2024

Deadline to Register 20 Sept 2024!

All Classes Online

Study from Anywhere

Manageable, affordable classes and you complete in only 9 months

The U.S. Department of Labor has identified Forensic Accounting as one of the "hottest" fields!

U.S. News & World Report designated it as one of the "20 hot job tracks of the future!"

SmartMoney Magazine counted it as one of the ten hottest jobs of the future with a salary potential of over US$100,000!

This unique IFBI EduQual Program provides you with the opportunity to make you a professional at the highest levels, earn higher income, achieve job growth, is for the future and can make you independent!

IFBI Qualifications accredited & issued
by EduQual U.K.
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Course Description

The prestigious IFBI EduQual Postgraduate Diploma (Master's Level 7) in Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection is designed for all those who wish to become trained as Certified Forensic Specialists & Accountants and obtain a higher level Postgraduate, Master’s Level qualification at the same time. It is also designed for all those who already possess the IFBI Graduate Level (Degree Level 6) qualification and wish to go further and obtain the higher level Post Graduate (Master's Degree Level 7) qualification for personal professional growth and career advancement and advantage. The program, too designed for those who are already ACCA or CPA equivalent qualified or possess a Bachelor's or Undergraduate Degree and wish to gain a post graduate level qualification in a lucrative, rapidly growing field. Graduates of this program will receive the U.K and internationally accredited EduQual Postgraduate Diploma in Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection (EduQual Level 7).


The program is also specially designed for those who which to get an accredited Post Graduate level qualification in a reasonable time frame, and one that is manageable and affordable as compared to other lengthier, more complex and costly masters' qualifications in other fields that offer little or no real-world advantage as this Post Graduate Diploma in Forensic Accounting does. This program is completed in only 11 months. Graduates of this program will become forensic accounting professionals, obtain a Post Graduate qualification and be able to use the prestigious designation PGDip CFAFD. If you are not ACCA qualified or do not possess a degree, no problem. Simply enroll in IFBI's Certified Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection 1-Yr (Level 6) program. you will complete this in only nine months and then move on straight to the Post Graduate (Master's Level 7) program and complete in a further eleven months. Then you would have earned a Master's Level qualification in less than two years (20 months) without having to first complete 3- or 4-year college degrees and a further 2 years for other Master's level qualifications! 


This IFBI EduQual Postgraduate Diploma in Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection (Master's Degree Level 7) provides the full range of knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies for graduates to perform as forensic accounting professionals and at a higher level in the corporate and business world. An accounting background is not a prerequisite as all necessary accounting knowledge is provided as part of the program. The program is delivered completely online so students could study from any place and country and conveniently from their desktop or laptop computers, tablets or even their phones!

The program consists of eight units and runs for one year (11 months) divided into four semesters. The program conforms to the EduQual U.K. and RQF Level 7 (Master's Degree level) requirements. It also follows the U.S. National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs TWG curriculum guidelines on Education & Training in Fraud & Forensic Accounting and subscribes to the relevant ASTM International guidelines for forensic training.  The units of the program provide the full range of modules in more comprehensive detail in forensic accounting: 

  • Forensic Accounting & Fraud Examination 

  • Financial Accounting and Internal & External Auditing

  • Investigative Forensic Accounting & Forensic Auditing

  • Business Entities and Business Valuations

  • Law, Evidence Handling and Litigation

  • Interviewing Techniques and Computer Evidence

  • Forensic Accounting Investigations & Practical Case studies

  • Expert Evidence and Professional Practice 


IFBI is an EduQual U.K. Accredited Centre. EduQual U.K. is a regulated awarding body under globally recognized SQA Accreditation. IFBI is also a full member of ASTM International, and International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA) all of which are included with your certification making your IFBI qualification a premier international award. On completion of this program graduates will become qualified and certified to practice as forensic accounting specialists and accountants.
The program is also delivered by IFBI’s court qualified lecturers and practicing forensic experts, so our students get both academic and real-world experience and training. Our experienced lecturers include some of whom have served Directors of forensic laboratories, Certified Fraud Examiners with the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and who have also trained and worked with the United States Secret Service and FBI. The benefit of all of this is brought to you, our students. 
This IFBI qualification allows graduates to work in the industry, private or governmental, large or small or work as an independent consultant offering services to these industry sectors. 


Graduates of this highly sought after program will become trained and certified in forensic accounting & financial fraud detection. You will: 

Become Certified Forensic Accounting Specialists & Forensic Accountants 

Obtain the EduQual U.K Postgraduate Diploma in Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection (Master's Level 7)

Become Certified in Forensic Accounting by IFBI's court qualified Forensic Experts in keeping with international standards for forensic training.

In this way IFBI students receive the highest levels of forensic training and your work can be used at the highest levels of court acceptability standards upon graduation!


You will be able to perform casework and issue reports.

Obtain all of IFBI's international accreditation and affiliations with EduQual U.K., ASTM International, IACA, and other world bodies included with your certification making your qualification a premier global award 

Gain International professional memberships. Successful IFBI graduates will become members of the International Association of Crime Analysts, USA. 

Be allowed to use the prestigious forensic designation acronym:  PGDip CFAFD. 

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Program Delivery

Classes for the 2024/25 Academic Year begin on Sat 28th September 2024. 
Start Date:

Saturday 28th September 2024. 
Deadline to Register:

Deadline for registration & payment is Fri 20th September 2024.

Early Registration is recommended to guarantee a place in class!
Lecture Day & Time:

Lectures will be delivered on Saturdays. Time: 12.00 pm am to 2.30 pm. Lecture modules will be provided via email and online to students during the week. Program concludes in August 2025.
Program Delivery:

Online. Lecture sessions, course modules and course assessments will all be administered online.
Student Online Requirements: Students are required to possess a good internet access, computer, tablet or phone device and a proper email contact address. 

Program Costs

Trinidad & Tobago  Students

Fees are payable in T&T dollars:
Program Fees : TT$ 7,500.00 per semester  (for 4 semesters) 
Registration Fee: TT$ 850.00         Examination Fee of only US$ 250.00 each for 3 papers is due in semester 3.
Affordable Payment plans are available:
Option 1: Students can pay the semester fee of TT$ 7,500.00 plus registration of TT$ 850.00 to begin and the other semester payments at the start of each new semester.  
Option 2: Students can pay half of the semester fee at TT$ 3750.00 plus registration of TT$ 850.00 to begin and the other half at TT$ 3750.00 at the middle of the semester.

Thereafter two equal payments of TT$3750.00 for each of the two remaining semesters. 
Bank payment information provided upon acceptance

Program Costs

Caribbean & International  Students

Fees are payable in U.S. dollars:
Program Fees : US$ 1150.00 per semester  (for 4 semesters) 
Registration Fee: US$ 250.00         Examination Fee of only US$ 250.00 each for 3 papers is due in semester 3.
Affordable Payment plans are available:
Option 1: Students can pay the semester fee of US$ 1150.00 plus registration of US$ 250.00 to begin and the other semester payments at the start of each new semester.  
Option 2: Students can pay half of the semester fee at US$ 575.00 plus registration of US$ 250.00 to begin and the other half at US$ 575.00 at the middle of the semester.

Thereafter two equal payments of US$575.00 for each of the two remaining semesters. 
Payment Methods information will be provided upon acceptance

Student Eligibility

To be eligible for the program students should possess any one of the following:


1. Graduation from IFBI Professional Graduate Diploma (Degree Level 6) Program in Certified Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection  

2. ACCA qualified or equivalent CPA level of qualification

3. Possession of a Bachelor's or an Undergraduate Degree in any field 

4. Significant work experience of seven years or more with a suitable combination of professional & academic qualifications.


The program is open to a wide category of individuals in diverse areas: accounting personnel, accountants, auditing personnel, auditors, law enforcement & security personnel, banking personnel, insurance, law & legal personnel, ACCA graduates & students, securities, risk management & analysis, business management, financial management & analysis, taxation, managers, supervisors, directors, forensic personnel and students seeking a career path. The program is also open to governmental, statutory and private organizations.


This is open to anyone who wishes to become trained in or develop this new profession or anyone who wishes to add this exciting new field to their existing careers, job or advance their careers and futures! 

What our students & graduates say
  • “The best program I ever enrolled in”;  "excellent program";

  • “this unique course has given my career an unbelievable boost”;

  • “the forensic training is superb”;  “very exciting and interesting”;

  • “elated that I was finally able to obtain forensic accounting training and from forensic experts”;  

  • "the modules cover all important areas of forensic accounting";

  • "very manageable and easy to follow";    “elated that I enrolled”; 

  • "very professional and experienced lecturers";

  • "great to get this training from actual practicing forensic experts“; "they passed on their real-life experiences to us";        

  • "I really enjoyed the forensic case studies";

  • “excellent, comprehensive, valuable”; “exceeded my expectations”;

  • "I have moved up my organisation faster and higher than if i did not get this qualification"; “both my organization and I have  benefited tremendously”;  "highly beneficial program";

  • "I have worked as an independent professional since I graduated and earned considerately higher income than I did before";

  • “I should have enrolled long before”; 

  •  "I highly recommend this program" 

  • "excited that I enrolled for this great program";

  • “a great investment to my future!”.

        See More Testimonials

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To Apply
Registration is Simple

1. Complete the Online Application Form on the right and Click the Submit button at the bottom. 

   (Application information can also be emailed to us or you can also simply call us and your registration information will be taken over the phone).


2. IFBI will contact you via email or phone to let you know if your application has been approved (This takes one week or less) 


3. Once your application has been approved, make payment of program fees (either full or half first semester fees & registration fees).


    a. For Trinidad & Tobago students fees can be paid at any branch of Republic Bank Ltd or by Online Bank transfer. Account information will be provided once the application has been received & approved.


    b. For other Caribbean & International students payment methods and /or wire instructions will be provided once the application has been received & approved.


3. E-Mail to us at  or WhatsApp to phone 868-750-8905 a copy or photo of your payment receipt.


4. Once your payment has been confirmed by IFBI your enrollment and place in class will be confirmed.


Deadline for Registration & Payment is Fri 20th September 2024 .

Early registration & payment is recommended

to guarantee a place in class!

Submit Your Online Application 
Postgraduate Diploma (Master's Level 7) in  Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection 

Your Application has been successfully submitted. Thank you! IFBI will review your application and contact you within a few days time. We look forward to your successful enrollment!


Advance your career in one of the most exciting, lucrative & highly demanded professional fields worldwide and at a higher level with this IFBI forensic training post graduate program. It is a great advantage to your future.                   Enroll today!

IFBI is an Accredited EduQual U.K. Centre

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EduQual is a U.K. awarding body under SQA Accreditation a globally recognized regulator

Startup Team
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